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Sciatica After Pregnancy

Why Do I Have Sciatica After Pregnancy?

After the discomfort of the last trimester, it’s natural for pregnant women to look forward to some relief after the baby is born. But unfortunately for some moms, sciatica during pregnancy might continue as postpartum sciatica — or show up…
Dr. Daniel Choi
July 6, 2023
Diagnostic tests for spine disorders

Am I a Candidate for Spinal Surgery?

If neck or back pain is getting in the way of living your life, you might be wondering if spinal surgery is the answer. The only way to know for certain is to schedule an evaluation with a spine specialist…
Dr. Daniel Choi
April 19, 2023
Cervical Disc Replacement

Understanding Cervical Disc Replacement

  Are you struggling with a combination of neck pain and stiffness, headaches, radiating pain that travels down into your shoulders or arms, numbness from the neck down, or that distinctly uncomfortable "pins and needles" feeling in your arms? If…
Dr. Daniel Choi
February 26, 2023
Should I Have Surgery for Spinal Stenosis?

Should I Have Surgery for Spinal Stenosis?

  Your spine is the central framework of your body. It holds you upright, connects the rest of your skeleton together, and allows your body to flex and move freely. When the spine functions correctly, it provides support and balance.…
Dr. Daniel Choi
October 14, 2022
Dr. Daniel Choi uses CT-guided navigation

6 Exciting Advances in Spine Surgery

  At Spine Medicine & Surgery of Long Island, we’re self-proclaimed spine nerds. We’re always looking ahead at the latest developments in the world of spinal surgery to keep our practice at the cutting edge of our field. That’s partly…
Dr. Daniel Choi
April 22, 2022

Less Pain, More Living

Find out how we can help you achieve freedom from pain. To get started, schedule a consultation with our Long Island spine surgeon today!

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